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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bank Account

As mentioned earlier, we like to maintain separate finances for each LLP. Separate businesses, separate finances.

We continue to have good luck with Midfirst Bank. Personal and business accounts can be had for free. Sure, extra services cost something. Buying cheques; sending/receiving wires; "bill pay" (if you need that). But you can have a basic chequing account with debit cards that double as Visa credit cards...for free.

I have heard that the only good alternative among Canadian banks is Royal Bank. They have a US arm and can set up Canadian and US accounts where you can transfer money back and forth. We have no experience with them.

Midfirst is able to set up bank accounts without a US address. The first time there was a bit of confusion about that, and there was some trouble getting by one of the steps in the process. But ultimately they were successful. I believe they used the Bank branch's own address at one point in the process. That was handy too because when we use the debit card at a US gas station, the bank's Zip code works.

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