
We are not professionals, nor should any of the content here be used without professional validation to make decisions for your situation. Since entries appear with the most recent on at the top, if you would like to read in a chronological order start at the bottom.

If you feel that the experience shared here has helped you save time and money please consider donating to help spread the costs of acquiring it. Any contribution is appreciated. By way of thanks, anyone who donates will receive bonus materials:

- Current copy of detailed notes

- A sample accounting spreadsheet we use instead of costly accounting software

- A sample Statement of Qualification and Operating Agreement for an LLP

Thanks and good luck with your property!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

LLP Set Up - Logistics

Anything new on setting up an LLP? Nope.

- Go to the Arizona Secretary of State web site: http://www.azsos.gov/
- Under Business Filings/Partnerships, do a search to check whether your LLP name is already used.
- Under Business Filings/Partnerships/Forms, select "Statement of Qualification for Conversion (LP not already on file with this office)".
- Fill out the form...send two copies, along with a self addressed, self stamped envelope to the AZSOS.
- They file the registration, stamp a copy and mail it back to you.
- You then need to "publish" the Statement of Qualifications in 3 consecutive issues of a publication. We used Record Reporter (a Daily Journal publication) at http://www.recordreporter.com/. Cost about $40. They mail back a confirmation that it was done. Make sure they know it is an LLP and not an LLC.
- File the confirmation with the AZSOS to complete the LLP setup. The Record Reporter says they will file a copy with the AZ government. But they are used to dealing with LLC's which are filed with a different department. We will see how it works out this time. If they do successfully file it with the AZSOS, great. But I will check and file it myself if not.

Tricky bits?
- What goes in what field on the form. You can probably do a search and find one on the AZSOS site as a sample.
- And...you need a "process agent" with a local (Arizona) address. What the... Jeff!!! Did I mention that he was helpful? The alternative is a paid service that some paralegals or lawyers offer.


  1. This is great information!...I'm a Canadian wanting to start investing in U.S. real estate you blog has been extremely helpful...Thank You!

  2. when filling out the LLP form what did you use for a process agent and how did you get an AZ address?

  3. My real estate pro (Jeff Dicks) offered to be our Process Agent. Of course, you need to be doing business with him. He is a principle in National Rental Pros, and NRP manages our properties. Maybe others would as well.

    1. What is meant by "Statement of Status for which this application is made: ____LLP" ?

    2. I believe it is just asking if you want the partnership to be an LLP. I just put an "x" on the line indicating that yes I want it to be an LLP.

  4. Do you need to submit a copy of the LLP's Partnership Agreement to the SoS with the Statement of Qualification?
