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- A sample accounting spreadsheet we use instead of costly accounting software

- A sample Statement of Qualification and Operating Agreement for an LLP

Thanks and good luck with your property!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Annual Report and tax software for LLPs

For those that have properties held by an LLP, it's that time of year:
1) The Arizona Secretary of State requires an updated "Annual Report" which just validates/updates the AZ Secretary of State's records with any changes to your name/address, and "process server" information. The report template is available on the AZSOS site, and you send two copies along with $3 and a self stamped/addressed envelope. The requirement is to file an update in the first quarter of each year.
2) If you want to purchase US tax software capable of filling out an LLP's 1065 return, there may be a few deals available. I have yet to find a non-professional package that covers both the 1065 (partnership) and the 1040NR (Non Resident version of the 1040 return for individuals). Irritating for sure. I won't say I like it...but I have been using the H&R Premium and Business package for doing the 1065s. Anyway, I was able to find it for download on the Amazon.com site. If you can negotiate the US address/credit card obstacles, it can be had for $49 (regular $79). Or I believe I saw a few 20% off coupons out there. The ones I saw expire today (Dec 31).


  1. Can you provide the link on the US tax software you have? Thanks.

  2. http://www.hrblock.com/tax-software/premium-business.html for completing the LLPs 1065 returns. For the partners' 1040NR returns I just download the forms from the IRS site and fill the out manually.

  3. I'm filling the annual report now (first time).

    "The address of the office to be maintained in the state of organization:"

    What does it mean?


  4. The State of Arizona expects you to maintain an office in their state. If not, at least an "Agent for Service of Process" who has an address there. That's a fancy way of saying "someone they can go serve papers to on your behalf". If you don't have an office there, or someone who will be your "Agent for Service of Process", there are companies that will sell you that "service" for a fee.

    The Annual Report updates that information, which would have originally appeared on the Statement of Qualification used to set up the LLP.

    In our case, we were lucky enough to have a real estate professional, who also manages the Property Management company...and who agreed to be our "Agent for Service of Process".
