
We are not professionals, nor should any of the content here be used without professional validation to make decisions for your situation. Since entries appear with the most recent on at the top, if you would like to read in a chronological order start at the bottom.

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- Current copy of detailed notes

- A sample accounting spreadsheet we use instead of costly accounting software

- A sample Statement of Qualification and Operating Agreement for an LLP

Thanks and good luck with your property!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Sad news: Jeff Dicks

I have some tragic news to share. Jeff Dicks, the real estate guru mentioned in posts over time and the guy who very generously spent his time helping me get started, has died in a car accident. I know many readers of this blog worked with Jeff as well.

Here is information about his memorial tomorrow. If you are inclined to help, his kids need donations (see link below) much more than flowers. Thanks, Gord.


If you are getting this news for the first time my apologies as you can imagine we have been all working hard to get this event ready and the word out as quickly as possible. We are deeply sadden by the loss of Jeff and you are receiving this email because we know you cared about him. His celebration of life will be
Saturday May 9, 2015 10:00 AM to 1:00PM Pebble Creek Country Club 16222 Clubhouse Dr. Goodyear, AZ 85359 800-795-4663 www.pebblecreekhoa.org

Beach Attire, shorts and flip flops preferred, anyone with a suit and tie will be sent home! Please RSVP by Thursday so we can order food and drinks. Heather@desertgalleryproperties dot com.

We have set up a site for donations for his loved ones he left behind. https://www.crowdrise.com/jeffdickscelebrationoflife/fundraiser/housingangelscharityforjeffdicks

Donations will also be accepted by Housing Angels Charity and 100% of proceeds will be given to Jeff’s children.


  1. I'd appreciate a mention as my name is also Jeff Dicks/ I'm in Real Estate in North Carolina as well as a Canadian- Ironic yes, however I have been confused name wise with the other Jeff Dicks/Sadly whom met an untimely death

  2. Hi Jeff. Thanks for the comment. I understand - this must cause concern among your contacts.
