
We are not professionals, nor should any of the content here be used without professional validation to make decisions for your situation. Since entries appear with the most recent on at the top, if you would like to read in a chronological order start at the bottom.

If you feel that the experience shared here has helped you save time and money please consider donating to help spread the costs of acquiring it. Any contribution is appreciated. By way of thanks, anyone who donates will receive bonus materials:

- Current copy of detailed notes

- A sample accounting spreadsheet we use instead of costly accounting software

- A sample Statement of Qualification and Operating Agreement for an LLP

Thanks and good luck with your property!

Friday, January 13, 2012

HomExpo and Seminar in Calgary this weekend

For anyone interested, Jeff and Dave from RealCore and HousingAngels are in Calgary this weekend (Friday Jan 13th - Sunday Jan 15th 2012) for the HomExpo show. They are also offering a more detailed seminar on Monday (January 16th) evening at the Blackfoot Inn. I have been asked to speak at the seminar, and will be sharing experiences to date. If you are interested, you can register through the RealCoreRealty.com or HousingAngels.com websites. I believe there is a "client appreciation event" afterwards and you can get in on that by registering for that as well. There are two separate entries under Seminars.

This is the seminar that first convinced Brenda and I to "go for it". Most of the other seminars we had attended caused interest but didn't have enough meat to answer key questions.


  1. What do you mean by "go for it?"

  2. That's what convinced us to move from "thinking about buying a property" to pulling the trigger and buying one. I.e. We felt like enough of our questions were answered that we were comfortable making the investment.
